Noored Läti muusikud Emajõel N 24.09
RIHARDS LIBIETIS ja KRISTAPS BEDRITIS "Scream, breathe and cry" tour 2015 jõuab N 24.09 kell 21 Sisevete Saatkonda. Muusikutele saab annetada. Uksed avatud 20st.
Rihards ja Kristaps on parimad sõbrad, noored ja edukad ning mängivad muusikat nagu kulda. Nad soovivad oma äsja ilmunud albumeid tutvustada nii kodu- kui ka välismaal. Selleks on kaks sõpra seadnud eesmärgiks teha kontsert-tuur Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus. Paari nädalase tuuriga rändavad nad mööda Baltikumi erinevaid linnu ning jagavad oma muusikat rõõmu ja südamega. Tuuri video siin.
Born in 1991, playing guitar since late 2007 and playing live shows since 2010, Rihards Lībietis has already made some impact in the Latvian music scene and has released 2 albums - Rihards Lībietis EP (2012) and an electronic post-rock album RL Elektronix (2015). Currently working and gigging in Riga, Latvia and working on a full scale studio album, which is due to come out in August, 2015. Rihards also plays in bands - Elastic (ex Bite's Blues band), The Blues Barbers, and collaborates a lot with other bands. He has performed together with artists like Latvian Blues Band, Innes Sibun, Dave Goodman, "Sir" Oliver Mally and many others. Latest album from the Latvian guitarist, songwriter - 'Scream, Breathe, Cry' - sums up 3 years of compositions and artistic work in one whole listening adventure. The album is going to take you from a misty riverbank to the highest mountaintop, from a lazy afternoon tea to a flight near the stars in an instant, just close your eyes, and let the music flow through you.
Born in 1991, playing guitar since late 2007 and playing live shows since 2010, Rihards Lībietis has already made some impact in the Latvian music scene and has released 2 albums - Rihards Lībietis EP (2012) and an electronic post-rock album RL Elektronix (2015). Currently working and gigging in Riga, Latvia and working on a full scale studio album, which is due to come out in August, 2015. Rihards also plays in bands - Elastic (ex Bite's Blues band), The Blues Barbers, and collaborates a lot with other bands. He has performed together with artists like Latvian Blues Band, Innes Sibun, Dave Goodman, "Sir" Oliver Mally and many others. Latest album from the Latvian guitarist, songwriter - 'Scream, Breathe, Cry' - sums up 3 years of compositions and artistic work in one whole listening adventure. The album is going to take you from a misty riverbank to the highest mountaintop, from a lazy afternoon tea to a flight near the stars in an instant, just close your eyes, and let the music flow through you.
Kristaps Bedritis (Keep.Rhythm.In.Soul.) is a Latvian singer-songwriter whose music is a blend of acoustic, deep and melancholic tunes with a dark twist and a light at the end of the tunnel. He delivers music for the ones who stop and listen. He has lived abroad for a few years in the past and is currently based in Riga, Latvia. His debut EP ‘Worlds Apart’ was independently released in 2015, including 5 acoustic songs recorded in his own living room, which gives the sound a more intimate and personal feel. Kristaps has played in cafes, art galleries and festivals (Positivus, Give&Get) in Latvia and has also done a few gigs abroad (Wales, Norway, Berlin, Warsaw). This year he’s toured around Latvia with his EP and is looking forward to bring his music to listeners outside his native land.
Kristaps Bedritis (Keep.Rhythm.In.Soul.) is a Latvian singer-songwriter whose music is a blend of acoustic, deep and melancholic tunes with a dark twist and a light at the end of the tunnel. He delivers music for the ones who stop and listen. He has lived abroad for a few years in the past and is currently based in Riga, Latvia. His debut EP ‘Worlds Apart’ was independently released in 2015, including 5 acoustic songs recorded in his own living room, which gives the sound a more intimate and personal feel. Kristaps has played in cafes, art galleries and festivals (Positivus, Give&Get) in Latvia and has also done a few gigs abroad (Wales, Norway, Berlin, Warsaw). This year he’s toured around Latvia with his EP and is looking forward to bring his music to listeners outside his native land.